Know Your Divorce Options
You have a choice when it comes to selecting the process to resolve your family law dispute. At Claire Samuels Law, PLLC we believe you can dissolve your marriage without destroying your family or depleting your financial resources.
Divorce Mediation
Mediation is an alternative to litigation that allows parties to take the decision out of the court’s hands and make it their own. Mediation provides a structured, confidential, and non-adversarial setting to resolve family law disputes. The mediator facilitates negotiations between the parties with a goal of reaching mutually agreeable resolutions. Mediation allows both parties the opportunity to tailor a solution to their specific needs and resolve their dispute early in the process.
Collaborative Family Law
Collaborative law is an innovative and practical alternative to traditional divorce litigation that is quickly becoming the method of choice for families negotiating the precarious world of divorce – especially those involving complex financial and business affairs. Unlike mediation or litigation, collaborative divorce utilizes a team of specially trained professionals across multiple disciplines to help both parties address the overall needs of everyone affected by the process. The resolutions reached through this process are typically more effective and sustainable than rulings imposed on parties through a court order.
Divorce Litigation
While most North Carolina divorce cases are resolved without the need for trial, there are some cases that simply cannot be resolved without litigation. In litigation, both parties and their attorneys go before the court and argue their case. After the evidence is presented and the witnesses have testified, a judge will make the final judgement.

About Claire Samuels
Claire has made it her mission to refine the divorce experience. She believes divorce offers clients a transformative opportunity to design a positive future for themselves, complete with financial and emotional security. To this end, she provides her clients with the tools necessary to help them construct a solid foundation on which to build their new life.
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Our Services
Claire practice focuses in the areas of family law, which includes various aspects related to the dissolution of a marriage, including but not limited to the issues of child custody, support, visitation, property division, divorce-related financial issues, post-dissolution matters, prenuptial/postnuptial agreements, and orders of protection.