CSL’s One Year Anniversary and My Empowering Journey to Becoming a Peaceful Warrior

When I reflect on the year anniversary of my firm Claire Samuels Law, PLLC my heart is filled with gratitude and the peace that comes from building a practice that is authentic to who I am!
As Danielle LaPorte said in her book the Fire Starter Sessions “Being genuine is the foundation of integrity — often inconvenient and not always painless — but the only way to go if you’re here to really, truly, fully live.” I couldn’t agree more, and I’m thankful for all the people and events that led me to this moment.
Years ago, as I struggled through my own separation and divorce, I started thinking about my ideal practice. What it would look like to truly help people going through a divorce. I dreamed of creating an office with every kind of helping professional I could think of and having all those experts at my clients’ fingertips. Envisioning a place that would provide the absolute best in divorce care where clients would feel completely supported was invigorating!
Granted those were some of my darkest days, but I’m eternally grateful for what I know now was a “reset” and ultimately the springboard for creating my best life.
I started my firm in June 2020 with the idea of being a “peaceful warrior” and offering my clients A Becoming Divorce. One that honors what was once a cherished relationship. I knew I could be “both/and” for my clients. That I could still be an advocate, but also a trusted advisor. That I could continue to provide them with the very best legal representation, but also show them the way to have a more powerful and peaceful divorce. That I could create an environment that would empower clients to make these decisions from a place of strength versus promoting the traditional scarcity mindset that forces clients to make decisions from a place of fear. And I was right!
After practicing family law for 15 years, I know that when clients are guided by highly skilled and compassionate professionals, they have the freedom to reorganize, restructure, and redefine their family with dignity and grace. And I recognize that offering this space or what I am now calling A Becoming Divorce to my clients is my sacred mission.
It’s also why I curated a community of experts prepared to address any needs or concerns that may pop up for my clients during the process so they feel completely supported. The professional guidance available to my clients through this group of powerhouse women, allows us to stay focused on their legal case. This keeps their legal fees in check and makes our process more efficient and effective.
The other day, I received a note from a client confirming A Becoming Divorce works (and that I’ve actually been a “peaceful warrior” of sorts for years now). She said:
“I look back on the last 7 years of my life in awe of the support and love I’ve received, and with deep reverence for the collaborative efforts that have enabled me to raise my children well.
Your work has enabled me to shield them from much of the hurt and they are—today anyways—all thriving.
Thank you eternally.”
In these last 12 months, my vision of A Becoming Divorce, my role as a peaceful warrior and activating the power of community when going through the divorce process have been realized. I am so thankful for my friends and family who have inspired and encouraged me along the way. But most importantly, I am so very grateful for my clients and their willingness to utilize a holistic approach that protects them and their children.