Regain Your Power and Dignity During Divorce

Using self-care to tap into your healing energy
Guest Contributor: Holly Hughes
I know you have the strength to get through the process of divorce. How do I know this? It’s because knowing is my gift. I’m an intuitive healer with the ability to see, hear, and feel what’s happening for others, and I’ve been through a divorce, too.
There are different versions of you in the divorce process.
They are:
• The woman deciding to get divorced.
• The woman who decided to stay until…
• The woman you are when you meet Claire for the first time.
• The woman in the middle of the process and negotiations.
• The woman who emerges post-divorce and has the fantastic opportunity to redefine herself in her own terms.
Do you want to know what all those versions of women have in common? Your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical self. And it’s each one of those aspects of yourself that needs to be honored, held, witnessed, and healed to manage the process of divorce more calmly.
There was a version of you that had to exist to survive in the marriage. But I bet that version of you was a crafted mask created to function in the relationship. You may have been a caretaker for your whole family, and you may have put your needs last. You may have hidden behind being busy, so you never had to feel what was going on emotionally. You did what you did to survive the relationship. You may have kept occupied, so you didn’t have to think about how unhappy you were in the marriage.
I’m here to tell you that you will regain your power and dignity when you take self-care seriously. The magical thing about intuitive healing is the peaceful energy that will soothe you. I’ll help connect you to the energetic support all around you to facilitate healing the marriage’s emotional, spiritual, psychological, and physical stress. When you handle the emotional toll of the divorce outside of your lawyer’s office, the courtroom, and out of sight of your soon-to-be-ex, it’ll help you manage the business at hand.
You can show up ready and prepared to manage the process when you take your emotional ride outside of these places. You will walk into meetings with your head held high, with much less anxiety, confident of where you are in the process, with a clear mind, and a plan.
As an intuitive healer, I will help you create energetic boundaries, cut emotional and karmic cords, heal the wounds that lead you to make the choices you have to be supported throughout the process. I empower women and guide them through the progression of divorce, knowing current circumstances won’t define them forever. Loss does not make you less-than—it makes you a warrior. Together we will help you regain your voice, passion, and, most importantly, self-confidence.
I’ve helped women who lost themselves to remember who they are, create new boundaries, and remember self-care is not selfish.
Stop hiding behind people’s expectations, a social media image, being busy and exhausted. Instead, define yourself on your terms, and love yourself enough to put yourself first on the list of things to do. Be a demonstration of power, beauty, wholeness, and boundaries to your family, friends, and children.
Divorce isn’t failure.
It’s an evolution of you.
Holly Raychelle Hughes is an intuitive healer, award-winning author, and public speaker. She infuses her unique personal style, intuitive gifts, and personal healing stories to guide clients through a step-by-step process to help them claim their voice, passions, and self-worth. Her book REAL, NOT PERFECT How To Become Your Happy, Authentic Self will help you stop hiding behind people’s expectations and discover the version of you, you want to be.
Claire Samuels Law, PLLC works with you to resolve your legal issues while also providing the resources and experts you need to facilitate the healthiest process for you and your family.